‎‎كتابخانه گرافيكيPlotly.js

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‎Plotly.js‎يك كتابخانه ترسيم نموداركه بيش از چهل نوع نمودار راشامل ميشود :

Plotly.js‎يك منبع آزاد و باز تحت لايسنسMIT است . استفاده اين منابع بدون هزينه ميتواند ‎نصب واستفاده گردد.

‎‎نمودار هاي ميله ايBar Charts -‎

‎‎مثال ـ نمودار ميله اي عمودي وبا كد منبع

const xArray = ["Italy","France","Spain","USA","Argentina"];
const yArray = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];

const data = [{
  x: xArray,
  y: yArray,
  type: "bar",
  marker: {color:"rgba(0,0,255)"}

const layout = {title:"World Wide Wine Production"};
Plotly.newPlot("myPlot", data, layout);

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎نمودارهاي ميله اي افقيHorizontal Bar Charts -‎

Horizontal Bar Charts

01020304050Italy France Spain USA Argentina
World Wide Wine Production

‎‎مثال ـ نمودارميله اي افقي با كد منبع

const xArray = [55, 49, 44, 24, 15];
const yArray = ["Italy","France","Spain","USA","Argentina"];

const data = [{
  x: xArray,
  y: yArray,
  type: "bar",
  orientation: "h",
  marker: {color:"rgba(255,0,0,0.6)"}

const layout = {title:"World Wide Wine Production"};

Plotly.newPlot("myPlot", data, layout);

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎نمودار هاي دايره ايPie Carts -‎

Pie Charts

ItalyFranceSpainUSAArgentinaWorld Wide Wine Production

‎‎مثال ـ نمونه نمودار دايره اي‎(Pie Chart)

const data = [{
  labels: xArray,
  values: yArray,
  type: "pie"

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎نمودار حلقه ايDonut Charts -‎

Donut Charts

ItalyFranceSpainUSAArgentinaWorld Wide Wine Production

‎براي نمايش نمودار حلقه اي در ميله ايx و y را به برچسب lables و values ونوع آنرا به pie ‎تغيير دهيد.

‎‎مثال ـ نمونه نمودار حلقه اي ياDonut Chart

const data = [{
  labels: xArray,
  values: yArray,
  hole: .4,
  type: "pie"

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎اين نمودار نسبت به دايره اي يك پارامترhole دارد كه شعاع نسبي ناحيه داخلي است .

‎‎ترسيم منحنيPlotting Equations -‎

Plotting Equations

‎‎مثال ـ رسم منحني‎y=Math.sin(x)

// Generate values
const xValues = [];
const yValues = [];
for (let x = 0; x <= 10; x += 0.1) {

// Display using Plotly
const data = [{x:xValues, y:yValues, mode:"lines"}];
const layout = {title: "y = " + exp};
Plotly.newPlot("myPlot", data, layout);

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎ترسيم منحني فرم نقطه اي

‎‎مثال ـ رسم منحني بصورت نقطه اي

// Display using Plotly
const data = [{x:xValues, y:yValues, mode:"markers"}];
const layout = {title: "y = " + exp};
Plotly.newPlot("myPlot", data, layout);

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎نمودار نقطه ايScatter Plots -‎

Scatter Plots

House Prices vs. SizeSquare MetersPrice in Millions
const xArray = [50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150];
const yArray = [7,8,8,9,9,9,10,11,14,14,15];

// Define Data
const data = [{
  x: xArray,
  y: yArray,

// Define Layout
const layout = {
  xaxis: {range: [40, 160], title: "Square Meters"},
  yaxis: {range: [5, 16], title: "Price in Millions"},
  title: "House Prices vs. Size"

Plotly.newPlot("myPlot", data, layout);

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎گرافهاي خطيLine Graphs -‎

Line Graphs

House Prices vs SizeSquare MetersPrice in Millions

‎‎مثال ـ نمونه گراف خطي

const xArray = [50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150];
const yArray = [7,8,8,9,9,9,10,11,14,14,15];

// Define Data
const data = [{
  x: xArray,
  y: yArray,
  mode: "lines",
  type: "scatter"

// Define Layout
const layout = {
  xaxis: {range: [40, 160], title: "Square Meters"},
  yaxis: {range: [5, 16], title: "Price in Millions"},
  title: "House Prices vs Size"

// Display using Plotly
Plotly.newPlot("myPlot", data, layout);

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎پلات هاي حبابيBubble Plots -‎

‎‎حباب پلاتها ، نمودارهاي پراكنده اي هستند، كه علائم آن داراي متغير رنگ واندازه ميباشند.

‎اين تنها نوع نمودار سه بعدي با تنها دومحور‎(x,y)‎ است، كه اندازه حباب بعنوان بعد ‎سوم آن است.

Bubble Plots

مثال ـ پلات حبابي‎
const xArray = [1,2,3,4];
const yArray = [10,20,30,40];

const trace1 = {
  x: xArray,
  y: yArray,
  mode: 'markers',
  marker: {
    color: ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange'],
    size: [20, 30, 40, 50]

const data = [trace1];

const layout = {
  title: "Plotting Bubbles"

Plotly.newPlot('myPlot', data, layout);

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎ترسيم معادله خطيLinear Graphs -‎

Linear Graphs

‎‎مثال ـ نمونه ترسيم معادله خطي

let exp = "x + 17";

// Generate values
const xValues = [];
const yValues = [];
for (let x = 0; x <= 10; x += 1) {

// Define Data
const data = [{
  x: xValues,
  y: yValues,
  mode: "lines"

// Define Layout
const layout = {title: "y = " + exp};

// Display using Plotly
Plotly.newPlot("myPlot", data, layout);

--(go to editor for change code and run)

‎‎ترسيم چند معادله خطيMultiple Lines -‎

Multiple Lines

trace 0trace 1trace 2[y=x] [y=1.5*x] [y=1.5*x + 7]

‎‎مثال ـ نمونه ترسيم روابط خطي

let exp1 = "x";
let exp2 = "1.5*x";
let exp3 = "1.5*x + 7";

// Generate values
const x1Values = [];
const x2Values = [];
const x3Values = [];
const y1Values = [];
const y2Values = [];
const y3Values = [];

for (let x = 0; x <= 10; x += 1) {

// Define Data
const data = [
  {x: x1Values, y: y1Values, mode:"lines"},
  {x: x2Values, y: y2Values, mode:"lines"},
  {x: x3Values, y: y3Values, mode:"lines"}

// Define Layout
const layout = {title: "[y=" + exp1 + "] [y=" + exp2 + "] [y=" + exp3 + "]"};

// Display using Plotly
Plotly.newPlot("myPlot", data, layout);

--(go to editor for change code and run)

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