‎‎چند رسانه ايHTML Multimedia -‎

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‎‎چند رسانه اي ها در وب صدا، موسيقي، فيلم، فيلم وانيميشن است.

‎‎چند رسانه اي چيستWhat is Multimedia -‎

‎،چند رسانه اي در فرمت هاي مختلفي ارائه ميشود .هر چيزيكه مي توانيد به بينيديا بشونيد ‎‎مانند تصاوير، موسيقي، صدا، فيلم ، ضبط ، فيلم انيميشن وموارد ديگر را شامل ميشود.

‎‎صفحات وب اغلب حاوي عناصر چند رسانه اي در فرمت هاي مختلف ميباشند.

‎‎پشتيباني مرورگرهاBrowser Suppert -‎

‎اولين مرورگرها فقط از متن پشيباني ميكردند كه با ويژگيهاي رنگ وفونت ختم ميشد .بدنبال ‎مرورگرهائي آمدند كه از رنگها، فونتها، تصاوير وچند رسانه اي پشتباني ميكنند.

‎‎فرمت هاي چندرسانه ايMultimedia Formats -‎

‎عناصر چند رسانه اي مانند صدا يا تصوير در فايلهاي رسانه اي ذخيره ميشوند.رايج ترين راه براي ‎كشف نوع فايل نگاه پسوندآنست .فايل هاي چند رسانه اي داري فرمت وپسوند هاي مختلفي مانند .wav, .mp3 , .mp4 , .mpg , .vmv , .avi ‎هستند

‎‎فرمت هاي رايج ويدوئيCommon Video Formats -‎

‎‎ Videoformats ‎‎

‎فرمت هائي در بيرون براي ويدئو وجودارد .اما فرمت هايMP4,WebM وOgg درHTML پشتيباني ‎پشتيباني ميشوند .وMP4 براي YouTube توصيه شده است .

‎‎فرمت وپسوند فايلهاي ويدئوئي مطابق جدول زير:

Format File Description
MPEG .mpg
MPEG. Developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group. The first popular video format on the web. Not supported anymore in HTML.
AVI .avi AVI (Audio Video Interleave). Developed by Microsoft. Commonly used in video cameras and TV hardware. Plays well on Windows computers, but not in web browsers.
WMV .wmv WMV (Windows Media Video). Developed by Microsoft. Commonly used in video cameras and TV hardware. Plays well on Windows computers, but not in web browsers.
QuickTime .mov QuickTime. Developed by Apple. Commonly used in video cameras and TV hardware. Plays well on Apple computers, but not in web browsers.
RealVideo .rm
RealVideo. Developed by Real Media to allow video streaming with low bandwidths. Does not play in web browsers.
Flash .swf
Flash. Developed by Macromedia. Often requires an extra component (plug-in) to play in web browsers.
Ogg .ogg Theora Ogg. Developed by the Xiph.Org Foundation. Supported by HTML.
WebM .webm WebM. Developed by Mozilla, Opera, Adobe, and Google. Supported by HTML.
or MP4
.mp4 MP4. Developed by the Moving Pictures Expert Group. Commonly used in video cameras and TV hardware. Supported by all browsers and  recommended by YouTube. 

‎‎نكته ـ فقط مواردMP4,WebM وOgg توسطHTML استاندارد پشتيباني ميشود.

‎‎فرمت هاي رايج صوتيCommon Audio Formats -‎

‎بهترين فرمت براي ضبط موسيقي روش فشردهMP3 است . اين نوع مترادف با موسيقي ديجيتال شده ‎است .براي وب سايت هاي مشمول موسيقي اين بهترين گزينه است.

Format File Description
MIDI .mid
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). Main format for all electronic music devices like synthesizers and PC sound cards. MIDI files do not contain sound, but digital notes that can be played by electronics. Plays well on all computers and music hardware, but not in web browsers.
RealAudio .rm
RealAudio. Developed by Real Media to allow streaming of audio with low bandwidths. Does not play in web browsers.
WMA .wma WMA (Windows Media Audio). Developed by Microsoft. Plays well on Windows computers, but not in web browsers.
AAC .aac AAC (Advanced Audio Coding). Developed by Apple as the default format for iTunes. Plays well on Apple computers, but not in web browsers.
WAV .wav WAV. Developed by IBM and Microsoft. Plays well on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux operating systems. Supported by HTML.
Ogg .ogg Ogg. Developed by the Xiph.Org Foundation. Supported by HTML.
MP3 .mp3 MP3 files are actually the sound part of MPEG files. MP3 is the most popular format for music players. Combines good compression (small files) with high quality. Supported by all browsers.
MP4 .mp4 MP4 is a video format, but can also be used for audio. Supported by all browsers.

‎‎نكته ـ فقطMP3 , WAV و Oggبوسيله HTML استاندارد پشتيباني ميشوند .

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